MS wins SCISA Math Meet

We won First Place Team at the South Carolina Independent School Association Middle School Math Meet today, and this included having the top two high scorers for the whole competition! In addition, our additional team of Middle School students received Third Place.

Congratulations to all of the participating students and our Middle School Math teachers: Nikki Brockman, Chelisa Elmore-Williams, and Tiffany Thompson. Thanks to Mrs. Brockman and Mrs. Thompson for leading the team to Sumter for the competition. 
The following were our participating students:
Charlotte Adragna (10th Place Overall Individual – tie), Merritt Baldwin, Emma Bluestein (10th Place Overall Individual – tie), Dylan Brockman, Bailey Chave (2nd Place Overall Individual), Mikhael Douglass, Caleb Herold, Mia Leone, Mariam Nguyen, Caitlin Parkman, and Leo Vaglienti (1st Place Overall Individual).

This is our fifth year of participating in this competition, and we’ve now won four times and placed second once! This is quite a testament to our Math program at University School, and the credit goes to our Math teachers in all three divisions: Mrs. Brockman, Ms. Donoghue, Mrs. Elmore-Williams, and Mrs. Thompson.  Our students also benefit from our individualized approach to the subject.  In the Middle School, for example, students take classes at the level where they need to be.  This includes 8th graders taking Pre-Algebra, Algebra, Geometry, and Algebra II.  No other school in the state does this.
Congratulations to the teachers and the students, and our gratitude to SCISA the Sumter County Civic Center for hosting this event!